LOWER MAKEFIELD TOWNSHIP- Lower Makefield Township, home of The Official PA State 9/11 Memorial Garden of Reflection, located in Bucks County, is announcing the Ceremony timeline for the 2023 Anniversary of the September 11th attacks.
The morning Remembrance will start at 8:30 AM and conclude at 9:30AM. The Ceremony will include the reading of names of the 18 victims who resided in Bucks County.
Participants will then be invited to visit The Garden of Reflection Memorial. A bell will continue to mark the September 11, 2001 timeline, each followed by a moment of silence.
8:30 - Ceremony will begin with the toll of the bell 9 times for the 9 victims who resided in Lower Makefield Township
8:47 - Bell Toll for North Tower
9:03 - Bell Toll for South Tower
9:30 - Conclusion of Ceremony, participants invited to walk the grounds
9:37 - Bell Toll for Pentagon
9:59 - Bell Toll collapse of South Tower
10:07 - Bell Toll Flight 93 Shanksville, PA
10:28 - Bell Toll Collapse North Tower
The evening of September 11th will offer a quiet time of remembrance as the community is invited to walk the memorial on a self-guided tour.
Continuing on, the night Remembrance Ceremonies will be held every 5th-year anniversary.
The “Remembrance Fund” endowment will support the maintenance of the memorial in perpetuity. For those wishing to support The Garden and ensure its legacy, please visit https://www.9-11memorialgarden.org/donate/ and help guarantee its light will continue to overcome the darkness. Any donation over $2,500 will be displayed on Endowment Donor Plaques located in The Garden.
The Garden of Reflection living memorial is open to visitors year-round. For more information and to learn more about The Garden and its mission, please visit www.9-11memorialgarden.org.